My Future Self

My Future Self

    Vision is important. As a child, I have dreams and expectations for the future. Having a vision in life can push us to work hard and achieve in life. I have a lot of visions. I have a short and long term visions. Short term visions is the things I want to achieve this year or next year. One of this is to have good grades and to graduate. As a graduating student, I aim to have a good set of grades for my family. Having good grades is a way of showing them appreciations on their sacrifice. My other short term vision is to improve my public speaking. I want to challenge myself to speak up. I want to give the right kind of confidence to speak. Making new recipes is part of my short term vision. I am excited to see myself prepare new food recipes in my Young Chef's Club this year. I really love cooking and I really love the idea of preparing food for my family. Last part of my short term vision is making new friends. I want to have a good set of friends.

    After listing my short term vision, I list the long ones. I know these things may take a long long time to happen but I will do my best to do this. First is I want to become a veterinarian, I love animals. I want to have a profession someday that aims of taking care of animals. Moreover, having my dream house is a long term vision, I visualize myself living in a modern house in Canada. I want to have a business too. Having business can make a lot of savings. Another goal is to have a healthy body. Last is I want myself as someone who joins organization in helping people. All in all this is my vision. With God's help I know I can do this.
